=========== Translation =========== CM Live Deal only comes with English by default however you can always translate CM Live Deal to other languages. Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before translating CM Live Deal to another language, you need to know install that new language. In your Joomla! back-end, you go to Extensions -> Language Manager. .. image:: ../images/installation_menu.jpg You can see the list of installed languages on your site. Click "Install Language" button on the toolbar to install a new language. .. image:: ../images/translation_list.jpg Search for the language you want to install, select it in the list and click "Install" button. .. image:: ../images/translation_search.jpg After installing new language, go back to the installed language list, you can see your new language in the list. .. image:: ../images/translation_list_2.jpg You need to remember the language tag of your new language. In the above screenshot, French language package is installed, and "fr-FR" is the language tag of French. Preparation ^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use your favorite FTP software or file managers available in your hosting control panel to navigate to /components/com_cmlivedeal/language/ folder. In this folder you can see the folder "en-GB", this is where the language files of English are stored. In this "language" folder, you create a new folder for your new language, the name of the folder is the language tag. Follow the above example, you create a new folder "fr-FR". Go to "en-GB" folder, copy "en-GB.com_cmlivedeal.ini" file in this folder to the new language folder that you just create ("fr-FR" as in the example). In the new language folder folder, rename "en-GB.com_cmlivedeal.ini" to "xx-YY.com_cmlivedeal.ini", "xx-YY" is the language tag of your new language, eg "fr-FR". Translate ^^^^^^^^^ Open "xx-YY.com_cmlivedeal.ini" with a text editor and translate the English strings in this file to your new language. *Important note*: Joomla! language INI files must be saved as UTF-8 without the Byte Order Mark (BOM). For more information on Byte Order Mark see `http://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM `_ The above instruction is for translating the front-end of CM Live Deal component. To translate the back-end and other extensions, you need to repeat the above steps for the following folders: * **CM Live Deal component's back-end**: /administrator/components/com_cmlivedeal/language/ * **CMLD Merchant plugin**: /modules/mod_cmlivedeal_search/language/ * **CM Live Deal Search module**: /plugins/user/cmldmerchant/language/