======= Coupons ======= User gets coupon ---------------- While browsing deal list, user can click on any deal that they are interested in. If user likes a deal and decides to try it, he/she can click "Get coupon" button capture a coupon of the deal. User must be log into the site first before getting a coupon. "Get coupon" button is not available if the current user is a merchant and the deal is his/her deal. "Get coupon" button is not clickable if user has already captured a coupon of the deal in the past. After capturing a coupon, user is taken to the list of his/her coupons, on this page user can have the coupon code and can access the captured coupon to print it.. .. image:: ../images/coupon_user_list_captured.jpg User's coupon list ------------------ You can create a menu item for "User's Coupons" to let users access their coupon list in front-end. .. image:: ../images/deal_frontend_menu.jpg To have a user friendly URL for coupon page you need to have a menu item for "Coupon download" view. This menu item should be used as a hidden menu item, please see :ref:`ref-hidden_menu_item` to know to create this type of menu item. Administratiors manage coupons ------------------------------ In your back-end, go to Components -> CM Live Deal to access CM Live Deal component. .. image:: ../images/com_cmlivedeal_menu.jpg On the toolbar, you click "Coupons" to access the list of coupons. .. image:: ../images/com_cmlivedeal_dashboard.jpg You can edit an existing coupon be clicking on its code. You can also create a new coupon with your own custom coupon code and assign it to a specific user. .. image:: ../images/coupon_backend_list.jpg In the edit form, there are the following fields: .. image:: ../images/coupon_backend_form.jpg * **Code**: Coupon code. * **User**: The user who owns this coupon. * **Deal**: The deal which this coupon belongs to. * **Redeemed**: Should be "Yes" if coupon is already redeemed by user. * **Redeemed date**: When this coupon is redeemed. * **Created Date**: The date the coupon is created. * **Created by**: The person who creates the coupon. * **Modified Date**: The date the coupon is modified the last time. * **Modified by**: The person who does the last modification. * **ID**: The ID of the coupon. Merchant's customer list ------------------------ Merchant can manage the coupons of his/her deals in "Customers" page. You can create a menu item for it in Menu Manager. .. image:: ../images/deal_frontend_menu.jpg Access the menu item in front-end, you can see the list of your coupons. When user comes and redeems coupon, you can use this page to search for user's coupon code .. image:: ../images/coupon_merchant_list.jpg Click on coupon code, you are taken to the form to change coupon's redeemed status and redeemed date. .. image:: ../images/coupon_merchant_form.jpg