.. _ref-mod_cmlivedeal_cities: ========================== CM Live Deal Cities module ========================== CM Live Deal Cities module is used to display a list of all published cities. To configure the module, you go to Extensions -> Module Manager. .. image:: ../images/module_menu.jpg Joomla! creates a new module for you automatically after you install the package of CM Live Deal. You can see CM Live Deal - Cities module in your module list. .. image:: ../images/module_list.jpg Click on the module name to edit its settings. You can give the module a new name by modifying "Title" field. In the "Module" tab, you set "Status" to "Published" and select the position you want to put this module in "Position" option. .. image:: ../images/mod_cmlivedeal_cities_tab_module.jpg In "Menu Assignment" tab, you configure what pages the module is displayed on. .. image:: ../images/mod_cmlivedeal_cities_menu_assignment.jpg In "Options" tab, you can configure the main settings of the module. .. image:: ../images/mod_cmlivedeal_cities_tab_options.jpg * **Show deal quantity**: Show the number of deals in category. * **