========== Categories ========== The deals in CM Live Can can be assigned to categories. With categories, users can search for the interesting deals easily. In your back-end, go to Components -> CM Live Deal to access CM Live Deal component. .. image:: ../images/com_cmlivedeal_menu.jpg On the toolbar, you click "Categories" to access the list of categories in Category Manager. .. image:: ../images/com_cmlivedeal_dashboard.jpg Click "New" button on the toolbar to create a new category. .. image:: ../images/category_list.jpg There are only 3 fields that you need to set: * **Title**: The name of your new category. * **Parent**: The parent category of your new category. * **Status**: Status of the category, you always set it to "Published" most of the time. .. image:: ../images/category_form.jpg After saving the new category, it is displayed in your category list. .. image:: ../images/category_list_saved.jpg